Go For Outdoor Adventure Treks & Soothe Your Soul

Go For Outdoor Adventure Treks & Soothe Your Soul

Why do we crave the outdoors? What drives us to feel the sun on our face and the rocks under our feet? Is it to be free from the day to day routine? Is it because we need a break, or what people call a “reboot” from technology?

Not that long ago technology, as we know it now, didn’t exist. I remember when my husband suggested I get a cell phone. I was appalled! “Why?” I asked him. No one needs to get me that bad, and if they ever do they can leave a message. Remember that? We would come home after a long day and see the red blinking light on our answering machine? Press “play” and random voices would fill the room with messages we missed. Now it’s a funny electronic beep that commands immediate attention. I find time spent outdoors, say, the Gokyo lake trekking helping me to go back to those days when I wasn’t tethered to a phone.

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What is a Sherpa Step?

What is a Sherpa Step?

Ever thought about trekking in the higher altitudes? Worried about losing your breath? There is a technique that can help you to not only explore the majestic heights but enjoy it in every step of the way. It’s called the Sherpa Step, an important technique to acclimatize yourself and avoid altitude sickness while undertaking the adventure travel in Nepal.

Sherpas, the native Nepalese mountain people, who are known for the display of physical prowess at extreme altitude, hike up steep hills in a distinctive style called the Sherpa step. It is a particularly useful technique for saving energy when carrying heavy loads up the inclines where there is little oxygen in the air. The Sherpa step is also used to help trekkers acclimatize to the altitude, thus preventing altitude sickness.

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Vacation or Experience?

Vacation or Experience?

Are you looking for a vacation or an experience? I often find that people are looking for just a little bit more than the pink umbrella by the pool.  Now, don’t get me wrong… I love that little pink umbrella sitting next to a crystal, clear pool overlooking the ocean with the sun warming my skin.  But I have done that.

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me, “I want an experience.  I want to do something that I feel on the inside, something that challenges me but doesn’t break me”.  She was an avid athlete.  Ran marathons and competed in triathlons… But all she brought home was a t-shirt that she rarely wore and another metal to collect dust.  I personally would love to get those t-shirts and metals – but I’m too old for that! 

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Frequently Asked Questions about Trekking in Nepal FAQ’s Is it for me?

Frequently Asked Questions about Trekking in Nepal FAQ’s Is it for me?

The queries of people willing to take adventure trekking tours in Nepal related to Gokyo lake trekking, sickness, insurance, acclimatization, load carrying capacity, safety, tea houses, vaccines and food are answered in the section.

The Gokyo lake trekking is a steady climb over 10-12 days. We hike about 5 hours a day with plenty of time to acclimate to altitude. Our team can support all levels of hikers, we work together to make sure everyone is safe and enjoys their trek. One can trek to explore the Annapurna base camp and other places at his or her own pace with adequate support from us.

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